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Topic: Vietnam has been facing brain drain in some recent decades. What are the reasons that many overseas Vietnamese students do not want to return to work in Vietnam? Support your position with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations.

Brain drain is an enduringly and infinitely debatable subject. Recently, Vietnam has been facing it more and more. There are a lot of reasons that make overseas Vietnamese student do not want to come back. And I'm going to mention some main causes below.
Firstly, promoting career opportunity factor. In foreign country, educated system is extremely advanced, this always opens way for scientific research. For example, many universities and academies have modern equipments and powerful technology. On the other hand, there are a great deal of experts and partners who are ready for collaborating with to create the best products. By contrast, after returning to Vietnam, they hardly approach to those targets, especially excellent individuals.
Secondly, personal first choice factor. Overseas Vietnamese students like discovering foreign culture, and adapting gradually. They may suppose that Vietnam society is pretty conservative, while they more like a liberal one. Moreover, someone found their partner and got married. Or simply, their income in abroad is more stable and higher than in Vietnam. As can be seen, the preference factor detemined those situations.
Lastly, about community factor. Foreign environment may be better at every aspect, such as good health car, convenient transportation... Beside, this society always raise students' spirits to study and devote. As we can see, these good infrastructure and support policy made students do not want to come back.
All in all, because of better environment for study in abroad, a lot of overseas Vietnamese students have not returned. It cannot be denied that Vietnam is less developed than other countries, but it is improving, day by day!

Topic: "Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are" - Kurt Cobain. Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observation to support your point of view.

Nowadays, the more the society develops, the more the competition among people increases. Peope tend to imitate someone successful or beautiful, but this is actually a waste of time, money... and even themselves. So, I absolutely agree with Kurt Cobain's saying.
Firstly, only you can understand everything about your self, this help you promote your strength as well as improve your weakness. Moreover, when discovering yourself more, you will realize your actual hobbies and passions. This is a good opportunity to explore and love yourself. As can be seen, we can succeed if we are ourselves.
Secondly, it is such a waste of time when following someone's behavior. You are always concentrating on others' treatment but forgeting caring for yourself. Instead, you should acquire something suited for you and make your own impression.
Lastly, it may cause some negative effects to your mind. You may feel sad or even disappointed when trying to be someone but unsuccessfully. Sometimes, it is counter-productive, which makes everybody around do not want to interact with you anymore.
To summarize, it is terrible when trying to imitate someone absolutely because you must be exhausted. So, be always yourself and create your own highlight!

Topic: "Road bullying is a common sight in many traffic setting. What are some causes of this behavior? Support your position with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations.

Nowadays, road bullying is a heated topic as well as a common sight in many traffic setting. There are a lot of reasons which cause this behavior, and today, I am going to mention some main ones.
First, because of bad habit. Someone who have bad habit are always ready for insulting others without distinguishing right from wrong. Because those people are not educated vert well, or they just imitate others' rude behaviors.
Second, due to unstable mind. Maybe someone is under a lot of pressure or out of control momentarily. Those people do not often have bad intention, just because of temporary emotion or feeling. This kind of reason is pretty popular.
Last, because of violent characteristic. Those people tend to be agressive everywhere, they do harm for both commuters and pedestrians. This kind of people is extremely dangerous and we need to keep away from.
In summary, there are a great deal of reasons which cause road bullying. So, we have to be always self-aware about this behavior, ready for helping victims of this negative phenomenon.

Topic: "Have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish" - Jessica N. S. Yourko. Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples from your reading experience or observations to support your point of view.

You know, hesitation is a bad characteristic for the promotion of a person. In fact, people are often hesitated when making a decision. So, having enough courage to start and enough heart to finish is a sight of success. I absolutely agree with Jessica N. S. Yourko's saying.
For one thing, the beginning of the saying wants to show that we should explore ourselves, try our best to achieve targets and sastify passions. For example, my cousin have graduated Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, but he did realized that he did not love this work very much, then, he started to learn Mathematics in Can Tho University, and now he is very happy with his choice.
Next, the end of the saying wants to show that we should stop something which is not suitable for ourselves. Trying in this case is such a waste of time, money and power. For instance about love, when a couple determine that they do not match to each other, they ought to finish as soon as possible to escape from stress and burden.
To summarize, in each case, we have to be self-aware, start and finish something on time for not to regret later.

Topic: Some young people want to take a gap year after high school or college. What are some benefits and/or limitations of this decision. Support your position with reasons and example taken from your reading, experiences and observations.

Nowadays, education is not actually related to real life, so some young people choose to take a gap year after high school or college to gain more experience about society. And today, I am going to present some benefits and limitations of this phenomenon.
For one thing, taking a gap year has some benefits. Someone spend this time doing everything they wanted, such as go traveling or take some temporary jobs, this is very good for improving soft skills, which is really important to the future jobs. Beside, this is the best period of time to have a career or study orientation because they have already more explored themselves.
Next, taking a gap year also has some limitations when people go traveling or do nothing for a long time, they tend to be lazy. Beside, their career or study will be slower than peers, they have to start with nothing when their peers have already been successful.
To conclude, taking a gap year has both pros and cons, people need to consider their status, need or target to make a right decision for this.

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