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Today is my fruitless day!
I'm extremely lazy, I don't want to do my exercises, even get away for having meal with my friends. I ignored medium questions... I nearly retaked motivation, when I get trouble at something, I tended to improve it so much for obtaining proficiency. Mathematics, too, I also checked myself, I redo my tricky homework two times at least.
I'm under a bit of pressure from my crush... she may relatively neglect me. And I still don't comprehend what she wants and thinks. Tomorrow may be a special day, it is the last day of my pupil's life. I cannot afford get it any more, so I have to respect.
My vehicle seemed to break down so much, it make noisy terrible sounds. Besides, I have to drive one more guy, even he is fatter than I'm. On Sunday this week, I go to market to fix my motorbike's issues.
All documents were done in whole grade 12

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